Friday, May 1, 2009

The assignment of blogging

The greatest advantage to having a blog for this course was being able to easily share ideas with classmates and familiarize myself with this tool. I also think that this was the greatest challenge. The constant updating and attention required for a blog takes some getting useful, especially if you prefer not to spent long lengths of time on the computer.


  1. Blooging does have the potential to be an excellent source of brainstorming on topics, especialy if the blog wasn't assigned, but alas this was an assignemnt and that's why I think it didn't get as far as it could have in this area. I do spend a lot of my time behind a computer but I also felt it was time consuming. I fail to see the difference between blogging and writing a paper for the class. Good times!!!!


  2. Good point, Mick... it seems to me that blogging is tool that works best with those who love it the most.
